Little Levi Preschool Programme

Our Programme

Our Philosophy is based on the Finnish philosophies system and is continually evolving to provide high-quality early education for children

We view the child as a whole person and take into account every part of the child’s development and wellbeing. We pay close attention to children’s socio-emotional, physical, creative and cognitive growth and character development. The Finnish curriculum supports children to be active agents in their own learning and development so that they learn to love learning.
Children’s learning is not limited to specific activities or the classroom. Every situation and moment is a chance to learn something new. The teacher’s role is to recognise moments and boost the learning opportunities because children learn best when it is applicable to their own lives and personal experiences.
We strongly believe that teachers matter. We recognize teachers as educators, not as babysitters. The curriculum is only as good as the teacher implementing it, so all teachers should be well-trained in research-based and engage in ongoing teacher training and development to deliver quality education. Their role is to encourage, support and guide children while maintaining a high level of independence, creativity and professionalism.
Play is the most natural and motivating way for children to learn. It’s also very healthy. There are various forms and levels of play, and a professional teacher knows how to foster play with countless possibilities for children to learn. Play can happen through more organized activities or through free play where the teacher’s role is to enrich the play by offering suitable materials, opportunities, and environments and to observe children’s skills, interests, social interactions and peer relationships.
Knowledge is socially constructed, which means that children learn through their relationships with others. The HEI Schools pedagogy emphasizes the importance of learning together in group activities and developing relationships with other children and trusted adults. The group size can vary, but no child should be isolated from peers based on their needs. Children learn the socio-emotional skills necessary to effectively interact with others in all types of activities. We also support children in noticing and naming their strengths and using them as the basis for learning new skills!

Research proves that the physical space can change your brain by affecting behaviour, thoughts, emotions and wellbeing. Some of the key aspects when designing classroom spaces in line with the Finnish theory of design: 1. Less Visual stimulation leads to better learning 2. Quieter spaces promote language learning and Information processing 3. Natural elements foster focus and wellbeing.


A healthy and balanced meal has many benefits for our children including; stabilised energy levels, improved concentration, regulation of moods and maintaining healthy body weight. Nutrients help our children to stay healthy and strong. At Little Levi Preschool we follow a balanced menu which has been developed in line with Weaning Sense philosophies and recipes, to ensure that we not only provide food that ensures optimal development but also helps to establish a foundation for a healthy eating habit for life.

Physical Development

Social & Emotional Development

Fine Motor Development

Sensory Exploration & Development

Auditory & Speech Development

Healthy Nutrition & Feeding


Creative Arts

Cognitve & Perceptual Development

Knowledge & Skills

Language & Literacy

Little Llamas & Toucan Flyers​

Baby Centre: Babies -24 Months

Our baby centre is a self contained infant and toddler section designed specifically to cater to the  needs of our tiny Llama’s. We focus on emotional and physical needs while stimulating babies to reach milestones and lay the foundation for learning. Our daily programme includes age -appropriate activities including music, sensory exploration and development.

Leaping Iguanas & Soaring Macaws

2 years – 3 years

A balanced holistic programme in a sensory rich environment for our energetic toddlers. Rich with many activities they learn to socialise and interact with their peers, while exploring the world around them. We encourage curiosity and imagination by exploring age appropriate topics that are led by your toddlers’s interests.

Young Possums

3 years - 4 years

A balanced holistic programme in a sensory rich environment for our energetic toddlers. Rich with many activities they learn to socialise and interact with their peers, while exploring the world around them. We encourage curiosity and imagination by exploring age appropriate topics that are led by your toddlers’s interests.

Flying Flamingos

4 years – 5 years

We begin to encourage and prepare our young learners to fly. This programme develops fundamental problem solving and Life-skills, merging play-based learning with structured outcomes. We combine the Finnish curriculum coherently with CAPS framework in order to prepare our learners for ‘Big School”.

Daily Programme

School Hours:
Full Day: 6:45 to 17:30
Half Day: 6:45 to 13:30

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